An intimate, mixed media documentary that follows Tig Notaro, a Los Angeles based comedian, who ju An intimate, mixed media documentary that follows Tig Notaro, a Los Angeles based comedian, who just days after being diagnosed with invasive stage II breast cancer changed the course of her career with a poignant stand-up set that became legendary overnight. This documentary explores Tig's extraordinary journey as her career ignites and as her life unfolds in grand and unexpected ways, all the while continuing to battle a life-threatening illness, falling in love and trying to have a baby all at the same time. This film is a hybrid of comedy and drama that captures a personal journey about facing crisis head on with honesty and grace and overcoming pain and suffering with the healing power of comedy. It's a story about moving forward during a period of your life when you don't know what is going to happen. When you are willing to risk it all for what you believe is the right thing to do and for what you want to happen in this life.详情
热拉尔·德帕迪约,阿曼德·阿山特,西格妮·韦弗,劳恩·迪恩,安吉拉·莫利纳,费尔南多·雷伊,迈克尔·维克特,切基·卡尤,凯文·杜恩,弗兰克·兰格拉,马克·马戈利斯,卡里奥·塞勒姆,Billy L. Sullivan,约翰·赫夫南,阿诺德·沃斯洛,史蒂芬·威丁顿,费尔南多·古林·库弗,胡安·迭戈·博托,Achero Ma?as,杰克·泰勒
María Martín,José María Galante,Carlos Slepoy,Ana Messuti,Maria Servini,Felisa Echegoyen,María Ángeles Martín,María de las Mercedes Bueno,Ascensión Mendieta
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